Golden Dream


Acrylic fluid art on 12x 8 inch canvas. Add beauty to your walls with this lovely painting

100% Handmade with love

Ready to ship by :  22 August

Processing time: 1 to 14 days

Shipping time: 5 to 7 days

As all the products are made as per individual request, the sellers start working on the order only once payment is confirmed!

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Choose from these customizations:

Size – 12x 8 inch

16x 12 inch

16x 20 inch

20x 24 inch

Additional information

Shipping Policy

Shipping within 8-10 business days for customised orders

Refund Policy

Refundable for non customised orders.After safe returning of the artwork, cash will be refunded to your bank account.

Cancellation / Return / Exchange Policy

For customised orders, there is no refund or return as it’s made uniquely for you
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